Welcome to Paris Soccer Club's new website - launched in January 2025

Planning Practices

Soccer curriculum

The Paris Soccer Club provides our coaches with a soccer curriculum with practice outlines specific to each division, so that all teams are consistently working on the same soccer skill development.  Our club discusses and train our coaches during our coaches clinic and then provide a weekly agenda of practice drills, that our coaches easily put in practice.  All soccer drills are geared at the perfect level for all of our players from starting as a beginner to becoming an advanced soccer player.

Outdoor soccer teams – generally practice once a week and the day/time/field location is decided upon by the coach of the team, in consultation with his/her players.  It is important, to note that a coach may have more than one team that s/he is coaching, as such, it may limit the days/times when s/he can hold practices.

Most teams practice on our Paris Soccer Club fields, 62 Woodslee Ave., Paris, Ontario or Mary Maxim fields, 75 Scott Ave., Paris, Ontario, on times when there are no scheduled games or they can practice on school fields or community parks.  Teams can practice on our fields before evening games; however, they are expected to vacate the fields 20 minutes before the start of any game to allow teams to warm up and have access to benches.

It is important to note, that some Brant County and City of Brantford soccer fields are rented out to groups and teams, so it is best to avoid these parks, as our club does not allow for teams to collect extra player fees or seek out sponsorship to pay for field time or other team expenses, without the written consent from our Executive.

Indoor Soccer teams – only have one hour of turf each week, which is scheduled for games (U8-U17).  Due to the expensive cost of turf use, our club cannot afford additional turf time for practices for every team.

Teams are welcome to start the season by practicing on outside fields while the weather is warm enough.