Applying to be a game official / Eligibility / Power Up Accounts / Availability
Paris Soccer Club game officials (referees / linesperson) need to be 12 years old or older, with or without experience. Current or former soccer playing experience is an asset, as you will know the rules and have some concept of the role of a referee and linesperson. To be the lead referee of a division, you need to be older in age than the players that you are refereeing. A linesperson can be older, equal in age or younger than the players that you are being a linesperson. This is at the discretion and judgment of the referee coordinator.
To apply to become a referee, please email: to share your name, contact information and date of birth so our referee coordinator can contact you to discuss your application.
You will then need to set up a referee account through the Referee Application website and if you intend on refereeing or being a linesperson for any U12-U21 division you will also need to set up a referee account through the Twin Rivers Power Up – Referee Application website.
It is important to update your availability on both of your Power Up Sports accounts, as this helps the referee coordinators, determine your availability and only assign games when you can official a game(s). Please note, if your availability changes, games can be declined, after you initially accepted a game, and the referee coordinator can then find a replacement referee. It is best to send an email to notify the referee coordinator that you have declined a game.
Contact Referee Coordinator
Referees and linespeople that are rostered with the Paris Soccer Club will receive the Referee Coordinators names and contact information, so that they can contact them directly to discuss any matters.
Assigned Games / Game Sheets / Game Scores / Pay Period
Referees and linespeople will receive an email notification about assigned games pending review, which will require referees to log into Power Up accounts to review and accept or decline game assignments.
Once a referee accepts a game, it is best to print the game sheet a day or two before the game date, so you can review the information (club location, field #, teams playing). This will allow time for the referee to review the rules specific to this division.
Game Sheets need to be completed, post game, with the final game score and signed by both teams Head Coach for confirmation. Any pertinent information about the game should be recorded on the game sheet for records (ie: yellow, red cards, forfeit, game cancelled due to extreme weather, etc.).
Game scores need to be entered into Power Up so that this updates the division standings and it helps the referee coordinator account for the games that referees and lines people officiated to calculate pay. Lead referees enter game scores, be sure that you choose the correct category (division), Gameset (division/indoor or outdoor season), Game (date, division and corresponding two teams). Enter the number of goals beside each team, check off if the game was a forfeit (no or yes), Choose “Complete (Score Recorded)” under game status and check off that the “Game Sheet has been received. You can also upload a photo of the game sheet, as a document. Finally, there is a game results notes – comments box that you can add information for recording. Hit Save button before you close out the window and a message will confirm the saving of information.
Pay period – our referee coordinator arranges, a few times, during the season to pay our referees and lines people their wages for the games that they official. Please note, the higher the division the more of a wage per game a referee and lines person will receive. A lead referee will make a higher wage than a lines person for the same game.
Referee Clinic
The Paris Soccer Club hosts an annual referee clinic, in April or May to new and returning referees to discuss rules, referee positioning on the field, whistle use, flag/arm signals, Power Up, reference charts, equipment, field inspection, preparing for a game, tasks post game, soccer/referee terminology, fouls, offenses, dealing with hecklers and scores.
The Paris Soccer Club will provide our club’s referees and linespeople uniforms, equipment and rule books for their use in the season.
The referee clinic is a full day for new referees and a half day for referees with 3+ years of experience. The morning session is classroom work and the afternoon session is interactive including: practicing the use of flags, whistle use, arm signals and acting out referee scenarios.