Welcome to Paris Soccer Club's new website - launched in January 2025

Assistant Coaches / Trainer / Manager / Parent Helpers

Soccer teams can benefit from having a number of volunteers to assist the team throughout a season.

Teams are allowed up to two adults and a youth on a bench during games.  Most teams will opt to have 1 head coach, 1 assistant coach and a youth coach.  Teams can have a sole coach and can choose to include a youth coach on their bench or not.

However, teams can have other bench configurations, including:

  • two adult assistant coaches and a youth assistant coach
  • a head coach, a trainer and a youth assistant coach
  • a head coach, a manager and a youth assistant coach
  • a head coach, a parent helper and a youth assistant coach
  • etc.

During practices teams can incorporate more volunteers to help players with their skill development.  The head coach can decide how many volunteers s/he wants to support their team and in what roles.

Team Volunteer Roles

Head coach – s/he is the lead coach who directs their team, plans practice drills, creates game strategies and appoints other team tasks with the team’s assistant coach(es), manager and trainer.

Assistant coach this volunteer supports the head coach with running a team during practices and games.  Assistant coaches assume the role of a head coach in their absence.

Youth assistant coach – youth coaches should be older than the players that they are assisting with.  The role of a youth assistant coach can be to help demonstrate drills, fill in when a player doesn’t have a teammate to pair up with and to help with practice scrimmages, etc.  This youth assistant coach can not ever play for a younger aged team.

Manager – some head coaches opt to have a team manager be in charge of communication with the team and keeping track of when players will be absent.  Managers will notify the coach when they know of games that they will be short on players, this will allow the coach to decide on whether to call up players.  Managers may also help with planning a year end party for the team.

Trainer – work with players to do proper warm ups before games and practices.  Warm up exercises help to prepare players for athletic activities and it prevents players from injuries or lessens injuries that are sustained.

Parent helper – a parent helper can be called upon to help with mediating between parents and a coaching staff and be a back up for the team manager.

Paris Soccer Club has an assortment of other volunteer roles to learn more about them visit
Volunteer Opportunities with Paris Soccer Club or email Volunteer@ParisSoccer.ca