This Code of Conduct identifies the standard of behavior, which is expected of all Paris Soccer Club members and participants, which for the purposes of this policy shall include all players, parents, coaches, officials, volunteers, directors, officers, committee members, conveners, team managers, trainers, spectators and administrators involved in Paris Soccer Club activities and events.
The Paris Soccer Club is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Members and participants of the Paris Soccer Club shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the values of the Paris Soccer Club, which include fairness, integrity and mutual respect.
During the course of all Paris Soccer Club activities and events, members shall avoid behavior which brings the Paris Soccer Club or the sport of soccer into disrepute, including and not limited to abusive use of alcohol, the use of non-medical drugs and the use of alcohol by minors.
The Paris Soccer Club members and participants shall at all times adhere to the Twin Rivers Soccer League operational policies and procedures, to rules and regulations governing Paris Soccer Club events and activities, and to the rules and regulations governing any competitions in which the member participates on behalf of the Paris Soccer Club.
Members and participants of the Paris Soccer Club shall not engage in any activity or behavior which interferes with a completion or with any player or teams’ preparation for a completion, or which endangers the safety of others.
Members of the Paris Soccer Club shall refrain from comments or behavior, which is disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist. In particular, behavior which constitutes harassment or abuse, will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with under the Paris Soccer Club Harassment and Abuse Policy.
Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the disciplinary policy of the Twin Rivers Soccer League. Such action may result in a member losing the privileges which come with membership in the Paris Soccer Club, including the opportunity to participate in Paris Soccer Club activities and events, both present and future.
All Paris Soccer Club members and participants must consider it a privilege to be a part of The Paris Soccer Club and understand that their actions will reflect credit upon the organization and its affiliates. As such all Paris Soccer Club members and participants must conduct themselves in accordance to the Code of Conduct described below. Any breaches of the code of conduct must be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors and may result in loss of privilege as part of the Paris Soccer Club.